3 Benefits of a Geothermal HVAC System Installation
Installing a geothermal HVAC system in Galveston, TX, won’t only keep your home cool in the summer, but it’ll do so at a lower cost than your typical air conditioner. Geothermal energy isn’t only a steady and reliable source of cool air. It’s also better for the environment. Here are three benefits of a geothermal HVAC system installation:
Lower Electric Bills
The main benefit of a geothermal system is that your monthly energy bill will be a fraction of what it otherwise would’ve been with a traditional HVAC system. Since your geothermal HVAC system will exchange air with the surface beneath your home, you’ll use up to 70% less energy each month to cool your home in the summer. This relieves you from the sticker shock you get when you open your electric bill during the hottest months of the year.
Constant Cool Temperature
The temperature inside the earth that the geothermal system accesses is a constant 55 degrees. While this doesn’t become the temperature inside your home, it’s a source of air to exchange with the air inside your home so that your house can have a steady temperature in the summer. You can have a ready supply of cool air for your home that’s odorless and located just beneath the surface of your property.
Great for the Environment
The lower electric bills mean you’re using less electricity to cool your home. You’re then contributing to the environment by reducing your home’s carbon footprint. Your geothermal HVAC system installation is tapping a completely renewable resource that doesn’t require much power to cool your house.
Call the pros at Roberts Air, LLC to find out how we can make a geothermal system work for you. We offer a full line of residential and commercial HVAC services.
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