How to Choose the Best Generator for Your Home in Galveston, TX

In an emergency, a generator can prove to be a lifesaving tool. Therefore, you shouldn’t take the task of choosing one for your home in Galveston, TX, lightly. Here are some things we think you should consider when searching for a home generator:


The first thing that may cross your mind when you think about generators is wattage, which measures how much power you’ll receive. Smaller generators might be good for powering a few basic appliances, while a whole-house generator can temporarily power your entire home and tide you over through a storm or other emergency.

To figure out how big of a generator you need, think about all of the devices that you’d like to be able to run. Larger generators will be more expensive, so we recommend only going for ones that are as powerful as you need.

How Big of a Generator Do You Need?

To calculate the total generator wattage that you’ll need, remember that each device or appliance, whether a personal computer or an electric furnace, has both a starting wattage and a running wattage. The former refers to the amount of power necessary to start a device, while the latter refers to how much power you need to run it. The former is generally about three times greater than the latter.

To see how powerful you need your generator to be, find the running wattages of all the devices you want to power, add them all together and multiply the total by four, as this will combine both types of wattages together.


There are three basic types of generators. Portable generators are small and are good for powering individual devices, while standby generators are ideal for a whole house. Inverter generators fall in the middle of these other two but provide power with exceptional fuel efficiency.

Don’t rush to choose a generator for your Galveston, TX, home because you may not be happy with the results. For help, call Roberts Air, LLC and look at our selection of generators.

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